SW City's annual Birthday Bash is around the corner! Come help us ring in our eighth year as the metaverse's largest city on
March 31st and April 1st.
We will have tours, games, and fun events all around during this two-day celebration.
You'll see the release of SW City Interactive Version 3.0, with all new features that make it even more game-like than before. Be there for the release of an as-yet untitled game by Syntax, and party-hardy as we have another one of those shindigs that we call the SW City Block Party. Rumored events also include a Nintendo DS Party via Skypechat (so have your Friend Codes ready), a new Amazing Race event, and a special building contest by Espilae.
We don't have a full schedule posted yet, but keep checking
https://bday.swcity.net/ every day, and we'll get one up as soon as possible. But rest assured, this is the event of the year. Don't miss it! |