Current edition: Vol.8, No.3, March 2005
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Courtesy of Tunablues, Redoubt and Dreamer2
Off World is first and foremost, a part of Alpha World and is like every other build or community there, in that it is constrained to the same rules of cell content, texture and object. The difference that sets it apart is in the execution, and it is here that you will find a divide between everything that has come before and all that we have done.
Off World was created on October 29, 2004 by Dreamer2, Redoubt, and Tunablues. We like to build and wanted to do something unique. It was also thought to be an area where citizens could learn new techniques for building. The concept was founded on the principle of creating a futuristic build that contended with a planet long harmed by radiation effects from pollution and the changing of the sun’s elements. The first piece was laid October 29, 2004 and at present the area has close to 100 builds. The decree was no trees, no grass, and flat textures that lent a muted visual to the builds with soft lines and unique design.
Off World is based on alot of movement and the future itself. The group has been experimenting with videos and several are available throughout the area from an advertisement for OWEX to the "Space Station".
Off World is spread over a large area that orbits our GZ at roughly: AW 31554N 31554E. If you decide to visit, please be sure to allow yourself the time to see the whole of the effort. We have a very nice visitor’s center as well as local site teleports located throughout the reserve, as well as a tour guidance center. NOTE: Our builds are very active… and often spread out, so be ready to expand your vision both literally and figuratively.
On behalf of all those involved in Off World, we bid all of you a Welcome and an invitation to visit, observe and then if you choose, join us in this great experiment!