AWEC Update

Courtesy of Agrin Miars / AWEC

Wishing everyone a Happy New Year from AWEC.

AWEC Opportunities

The people at AWEC want to bring you many fun events in which to participate. If you have any events you would like us to sponsor, please let us know. Just check out our Events Registration site at!

The deadline to register your event is the 25th of the month prior to your actual event.

Don't forget to check out all fun events listed on the AWEC Calendar

From everyone at AWEC we wish you all a Happy New Year and looking
forwards to seeing you at this year's events!


We Wanna Hear From You!

If you would like to write an article for the newsletter or have a project you would like to share with the community through this newsletter, please contact us ( to find out more about participating.

Send us feedback! E-mail comments to