Current edition: Vol.8, No.9, December 2005

Active Worlds News

In This Edition...
Holiday Specials
World of the Month
Worlds to Watch
This Month In...
Mystery Location
AWEC Holiday
AWUniversity News
AVRLinn Xmas
AWEC Calendar


Building Links
Community Links










This Month in History... 2000

Courtesy of OneSummer // AWHS

It was reported all was well in the December Newsletter, 2000
The main server for the Active Worlds Universe underwent a disruption of service during the first week of December due to an issue with the motherboard. The crew from SUN Microsystems worked fast to get the services fully restored, and with a fresh new motherboard and the Universe was back to it's normal rotation around AW's virtual worlds! As a thank you to all our citizens and world owners Active Worlds extended all citizenships and world licenses for an additional 7 days.

Give a gift of a citizenship
If you couldn't think of the perfect gift for a friend a citizen for Active Worlds would be prefect! The special offer was made December 24th, 2000, for the price of 2 citizenships for $29.95!

AW Tech Support Tip Of The Month
The questions of "I start Active Worlds, or shortly thereafter, it crashes. How can I fix this? "

Suggestions of following steps in order were , try to start Active Worlds again. If the problem is not solved, move on to the next step.

  • Locate the folder called "cache" in your Active Worlds folder and delete it.
  • It is possible that you have an old driver for your video card that needs updating. Make sure that you have the very latest video driver installed for your video card. You can get the latest driver for your card from your video card manufacturer's web site. You can usually locate this web site by doing a web search for your video card.
  • An old, partially deleted, or corrupted install of Internet Explorer may be present on your system. Downloading and installing the latest version of Internet Explorer from can fix this problem.
  • You may have a virus or disk problem on your PC. Try running a virus scan, and run the Windows ScanDisk utility to check your hard disk for problems. Also make sure that you have at least 50 megabytes free on your hard disk.

As a last resort, you were then to try uninstalling and re-installing Active Worlds completely. If none of these steps had solved your problem users were instructed to contact the tech team.

Reporting for AWHS


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