Current edition: Vol.6, No.11, November 2003

Active Worlds News

Happy Anniversary!
World of the Month
Worlds to Watch
Tours Celebrates
AWTrivia Winners
AWUniversity News
Cy Awards Update
Hot Spots to Visit
Meet Your Neighbor
AWEC Calendar


Building Links
Community Links










Recommended Hot Spots

This is where you can get tips on places to visit from the "insiders". These correspondents are leaders in their worlds who take the time to seek out new, exciting and different places to visit in their worlds. Don't miss a single destination on this list if you want to know what's cool in the AW Universe!

AWHS Web Site

OneSummer's Historical Recommendation

Gobble Gobble Giving Thanks

In search of the big Thanksgiving turkey! As I was out exploring for a Thanksgiving build to write about, I started thinking that not all of Activeworlds citizens celebrates Thanksgiving. Activeworlds has such a wonderful variety of citizens from all over the globe. I also ponder about Thanksgiving. I found myself in an object yard which was started in November 1996, by Lara. This object yard has been a blessing to all the members of Activeworlds and I have met some wonderful people there. No matter where in the world that we come from all of us can share this November in giving thanks for this extremely well put together object yard. Giving "thanks" is part of Thanksgiving! If you have not had a chance to see this object yard or are new to Activeworlds please check this out AW 1095N 988W.

OneSummer Gobble Gobble
Reporting for AWHS


Poseidon & Chanty
AWTeen's Web Site

AWTeen's Recommendation

Moonlight Heights Martian Stadium
AWTeen 517S 415.5W 270

Courtesy of Poseidon

The Moonlight Heights Martian Stadium is one of the hot new builds in AWTeen. This build is actually a life size model of a Football Stadium built by AlexTheMartian. What makes this build so unique is not only that it represents an actual football field, in scale, but the variety of objects that have been used to make this an awesome representation.

The Football stadium is actually a part of a greater project run by AlexTheMartian, the city of Moonlight Heights. The football field currently hosts the football team for Moonlight Heights, the Moonlight Height Martians.


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